The Place Of Grace

Ines Kaiser

A place of connection
with all that is

Welcome to our website

The Place of Grace

I am Ines.

I can guide you on the path to reconnect with your authentic essence, to find an anchor within yourself and to love yourself as you are. I show you how to recognize and reawaken the creative and true power of your being. I connect my work with the wisdom of horses; beings who share a close connection with humans.

I live in a place immersed in nature, a therapeutic and spiritual farm that I call The Place of Grace. A herd of about thirty horses, some other animals and the energy of the place share my mission.

In my approach I combine the understanding of trauma in the physical, psychological and emotional body with spiritual approaches and quantum principles.

It is my intention to bring people closer to the paradigm of a new world through individual sessions on-site or online, group workshops and individual retreats.

My offering is for you if you want to progress on your personal path or if you act as a professional guide for people and animals yourself.

A place of encounter

The Horses

For centuries, we humans have exploited horses for our benefits and needs. It is time, that we enter a journey based on partnership. In doing so, we may open ourselves to their spiritual gifts and subtle abilities. Horses communicate through their energy and finely tuned body language, just as we humans do, only we have mostly lost contact and trust with these abilities.

The trauma of horses is closely intertwined with our own. The encounter in the Here and Now opens spaces of healing and integration, for humans and animals.

Horses have a vast consciousness and wisdom beyond what many of us can imagine and they generously share this with us. This requires that they remain free in the interaction with us at all times and that we come to them fully present, aware of our inner selves and congruent in the present moment. This creates an invitation, allowing us to enter the experience of connection with all there is.

in the south of france Between heaven and earth

The Place

The Place of Grace is located about 20 km from Nîmes on the banks of the Gardon River.

With around 30 horses, one donkey, two mules, two Shetland ponies, 4 dogs and 3 cats, I live here with the animals and nature as an integrated ecosystem. Together with all the other beings of the place, we create a light-filled atmosphere of transformation, healing and forgiveness, of inner and outer peace.

People who visit this place may experience how relationship with all living beings is paramount.

We come together in sharing and in silence. In an immersion in the Here and Now, we experience what it is like to be felt, seen and understood just as we are.

The Place of Grace is a place where we transcend the disconnection to ourselves and come back from numbness to aliveness. We experience abundance.

When my soul knocked on my door

About Me

Early in my life I already knew what I wanted: to be with horses. After a banking apprenticeship in my home country of Liechtenstein, I moved to the French Pyrenees and later to southern Germany for a few years before I decided to go to Luxembourg. There I found a job in an American bank to finance my training courses in somatic psychotherapy and equine assisted approaches.

After 10 successful and also fulfilling years working as a manager in the bank, 5 years of therapeutic work with humans and horses and as co-director of the Equimotion Equine Assisted Therapy school, my soul came knocking on my door in 2017. I opened up to a truth I had felt for a quite some time: I would not find fulfilment on the path I was currently on.

My intuition was clearly guiding me. A big step into the unknown presented itself to me: To acquire my own horse farm in the south of France…

I do not understand the mystery of Grace, only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.

Anne Lamott